Perceived Parental Child-Rearing Practices and Social Anxiety in Turkish Adolescents/Algılanan Anne-Baba Çocuk Yetiştirme Davranışları ve Türk Ergenlerde Sosyal Anksiyete


Perceived Parental Child-Rearing Practices and Social Anxiety in Turkish Adolescents/Algılanan Anne-Baba Çocuk Yetiştirme Davranışları ve Türk Ergenlerde Sosyal Anksiyete

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The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of perceived parental child-rearing practices on social anxiety of Turkish adolescents and to identify the practices that contribute specifically to social anxiety. The effects of age of the subjects and sociodemographic variables on perceived child-rearing practices and on social anxiety were investigated as well. The sample consisted of 284 students from 2 high-schools: 145 thirteen year olds and 139 sixteen year olds. The students completed EMBU (memories of my upbringing, Perris,, 1980), US (Inventory of Interpersonal Situations, Van Dam Baggen and Kraaimaat, 1987) and STAI-T (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Trait anxiety subscale, Spielberger,1970). Results indicated that perceived "Overprotection" by the mother and "Emotional Warmth" of the father were the child-rearing practices that had most contribution to social anxiety. Additionally, subjects who perceived their mothers as "high care-low protection" were found to score lower on social anxiety than those who perceived their mothers as "high care- high protection" and 'low care-low protection". The practices that was effective on trait anxiety were "Rejection" and "Overprotection" by the mother. The effect of age was found only for female subjects, 13 year old girls scored higher on social anxiety than 16 year olds. The only effect that sociodemographic variables had on social anxiety was the effect of mothers' occupation on male students' social anxiety. However, a number of them were found to be associated with perceived child-rearing practices. Findings were discussed in terms of different theories and cultural issues.

Akyıl, Yudum, Perceived Parental Child-Rearing Practices and Social Anxiety in Turkish Adolescents/Algılanan Anne-Baba Çocuk Yetiştirme Davranışları ve Türk Ergenlerde Sosyal Anksiyete, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2000, Yüksek Lisans, pdf.