The Effects of A Parent Training on Different Dimensions of Parent Adolescent Relationships (Anne- Baba Eğitiminin Anne-Baba Ergen İlişkilerinin Farklı Boyutları Üzerine Etkileri)


The Effects of A Parent Training on Different Dimensions of Parent Adolescent Relationships (Anne- Baba Eğitiminin Anne-Baba Ergen İlişkilerinin Farklı Boyutları Üzerine Etkileri)

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The purpose of the study was twofold, first to create an example of a parent tralnlng for parents of adolescents and second to explore the effects of a parent tralnlng on dlfferent dimensions of parent-adolescent relationshlps and communicaüon skills of parents of adolescents. The partlcipants of this study were the parents of 901 and l O01 grade adolescents from two different lycees in Ankara; METU Foundation School and Deneme Lycee. 10 volunteer parents (mothers ör fathers) from METU Foundation School and 11 parents iv from Deneme Lycee partlcipated in that study as the members of the experimental group. in this study, an experimental design wlth treatment and control groups and 3 measurements (pre, post and follow up) was used. The 5-session tralnlng for parents generally consisted of activlües aüned at developlng thelr communlcation skllls and their relatlonships with their children. The program mainly focused on social skllls for parents to develop better communlcation and improve the satisfaction of parents and also to help parents improve their parenting skllls. Data were collected throuğh qualltative and quantitatlve methods. in order to assess the effects of training on parents, instruments called Parent Success Indicator and Communlcation Skills Evaluation Scale were used in the study. Moreover, an open- ended evaluation form was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the training. in order to explore the differences between experimental and control groups, two way repeated measures of analysis of variance was used. The results revealed no significant differences between groups, however, the qualitative flndings indicated that the parent training in this study helped parents to develop positive interaction with thelr children.

Kocabaş, Ezgi Özeke, The Effects of A Parent Training on Different Dimensions of Parent Adolescent Relationships (Anne- Baba Eğitiminin Anne-Baba Ergen İlişkilerinin Farklı Boyutları Üzerine Etkileri), Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2005, Doktora, pdf.