Yurtdışı Yaşantısı Geçiren Lise Öğrencilerinin Değerlerinin Bazı Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi


Yurtdışı Yaşantısı Geçiren Lise Öğrencilerinin Değerlerinin Bazı Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi

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In this research, firstly the values of the students who once lived abroad and the the ones who have never been abroad have been compared in terms of sex and age. Then the factors related with the immigration process that influence the values of the students who once lived abroad have been examined. This research has been based on a total of 650 students, 317 of whom are students who once lived abroad and attended Anatolian Lycees in Ankara during the 1990-1991 Academic Year and 333 of whom are students from normal state lycees with no experience in a foreign country in the same period. The data related with the values of the students have been collected by "Scott's Personal Value Scales" and the data related with personel characteristics of the students have been collected by "A Personal Data Blonck" and t-tests which apply in independent sampling groups were used in the statistical analyses of collected data. The results obtained from the research can be summarized as follows: l.In this research the values of the students who once lived abroad have been found lower than the values of the the students who have never been abroad in terms of the grade avarage. This difference was the same when the groups were compared by sex and age. Only at ages 18,19 and above no significant difference has been found. 2. When the values of the students who once lived abroad were examined according to the variabilities of their immigration peroids: a) A significant difference was found between the values of the students in favour of the young age and the length of their stay abroad. b) No significant difference was found between the values of the students who lived in Germany and those who lived in other foreign countries. c) No significant difference was found between the values of the students who attended a kindergarten abroad and the values of the students who did not. d) No significant importance of the length of attending school in a foreign country was found to gain the values. e) No significant difference was found between the values of the students who attended a class where the Turkish students were in great numbers and the values of those who lived in a social environment where the foreigners were forming the majority. f) No significant difference was found between the values of the students who had established friendship with the foreign children and the values of students who had established friendship only with Turkish children. g) No significant difference was found depending on the home returning age and whether they are happy living in Turkey.

Ültanir, Emel, Yurtdışı Yaşantısı Geçiren Lise Öğrencilerinin Değerlerinin Bazı Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1992, Doktora, pdf.