Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Öğrencilerinin Benlik ve Mesleki Benlik Kavramları Arasındaki Bağdaşımın Karşılaştırılması


Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Öğrencilerinin Benlik ve Mesleki Benlik Kavramları Arasındaki Bağdaşımın Karşılaştırılması

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In this study; it has been searched the level of agreement between self- concept and occupational concepts of students on Industry Profession High School. And than, It has been studied whether there is difference between the level of agreement of students in the first and third classes. In the first chepter, It has been pressed the important of occupational choice in the human life and summarized the theories of vocational choice and then accented Super's Developmental Self-Concept Theory which has been taken a basis for the study. According to Super's Developmental Self-Concept Theory "in expressing a vocational preference, a person puts into occupational terminology his idea of the kind of person he is; that in entering an occupation, he seeks to implement a concept of himself; that in getting established in an occupation he achives self actualization. The occupation thus makes possible the playing of a role appropriate to the self-concept." This statement forms the basis of study. These knowladges are in the second chapter. In the third chapter; It has been explanated that the study has been done in 120 studens of Industry Proffession High School which in there are six differ parts of occupational education and than, developed two adjective lists for data collecting and evaluating. These adjective lists have been given in the students under two directives. The first one is that the students have been asked to mark the adjectives according to the degree of appropriateness. The second one is to mark the adjectives according to the characteristies which a member of industrial occupation. Kappa Coofficant has been used to analyse and evalute of collected data. In the fourth chapter, it has been given place to obtained datums. In the fifth chapter, it has been given place to finded results of the study and than that results have been discussed in the end of this chepter. Finally, in this study, it has been seen that there is agreement between self-concepts and occupational concepts of students on Industry Proffession High School, and there is no any difference between the level of agreement of students in the first and third classes.

Karcıoğlu, Fatih, Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Öğrencilerinin Benlik ve Mesleki Benlik Kavramları Arasındaki Bağdaşımın Karşılaştırılması, Ankara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1994, Yüksek Lisans.